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Chances are it's all BS

Most of the men in that room were fielding calls from people who claimed to know what’s going on, the vast majority of 'tips' were just bullshit, conspiracy nuts, aliens, one person claimed that big foot was doing it. Kennedy was in the middle of a call and one of his agents was trying to say things were bad and getting worse. He was getting ready to ask who her father was so that he could discipline the man for inviting his daughter out. Then, she spoke. This was bad.

"I've heard about your branch, bunch of bullshit. However, considering what we're dealing with, I won't say anything further." He picked up one of the folders that held information on the first killing and then moved around the desk to take it to her. "We have four ritualistic killings …” Kennedy looked at Iona and raised a dirty brown brow at her.

Iona saw the look on his face, she was used to it. Either they thought she was too young or the division was bullshit, well crazy shit most people believed. Shaking her head and grinning. “M’think most of it be bullshit, bu’ m’learned a long time ago, there things in this world ye can’t explain away.” Moving to his board and drawing a circle and then she put a really tiny dot in the circle. “If tha’ be all th’ information in th’ world, tha’ dot be too big fer wha’ m’know… so if ye know more’n tha’ ye have m’respect. I’m here t’help, tha’ be the only reason m’here. I this all of it is bullshit, bu’ ye respect me an’ I’ll do th’ same sir.”

Kennedy heard she was a firecracker.

The fact was Iona didn’t own any more suits, she actually burned them after she left the agency. It was kind of like saying goodbye to an old lover. After her and Kenndey got introductions out of the way and hopefully a bit of mutual respect, she’d be able to get caught up on a case. “Ye need t’speak ye mind, if ye think it be bullshit, then say it, because.. m’agree wit’ ye, most of it is. Ye got the crazies who think they were taken by aliens, an’ blood suckled or screwed, then ye got th’ wanna bes.” Oh, don’t get her started. Following him to the desk, she looked over the folder and the images. “Chances are, ye gonna see a lot more’n four, I bet this isn’t the first time either. These symbols mean something.”

This was the case she was working on before the accident.

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